Sexual Tension. Favoured by all Gods and perhaps a God in the making himself. Jon Snow Has a Different Name. Well let's rectify that shall we. Chapter 1: Prologue Notes: Disclaimer: I don't own HP, GOT, or ASOIAF. At the age of fourteen, he joins the Night's Watch, where he earns the nickname Lord Snow. Jon once believed that death would have prevented someone from doing him harm, but that was a long time ago. Worldbuilding. Same father, different mothers. BAMF Daenerys Targaryen; BAMF Jon Snow; the north - Freeform; Targaryen-centric (ASoIaF) Miscarriage; Angst; Death; Betrayal; Magic; Language: English Stats: Published: 2022-03-28. BAMF Jon Snow; BAMF Starks; Minor Arya Stark/Gendry Waters; it's mostly in part 2 and 3; Summary. north. BAMF Jon Snow; Tormund Giantsbane's Daughters - Freeform; Stay At Home Mom Jon Snow; Yes that is a legitimate tag I am using; Summary. The Night King, moves to finish Jon, but gets hold off by Ser Jaime Lannister “A kingsguard is for life!”. ” Jon nodded and followed Wylis's. BAMF Jon Snow; Jon Snow Has a Twin Sister; Jon Snow is a Targaryen; Jon Snow Has a Big Penis; Dark Jon Snow; Jon Snow Has Dragons. Stannis grabs a baby Daenerys from Dragonstone. He has to be strong to fight the White Walkers and the army of dead after all. Skyrim Dragons can take human form and have children. BAMF Jon Snow (306) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (151) R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents (114) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (87) Jon Snow Knows Something (73) BAMF Daenerys Targaryen (64) Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon (60) Dark Jon Snow (59)BAMF Jon Snow; Unreliable Narrator; Summary. They look nearly identical, and both would rather. Angst ridden Jon Snow. Varamyr’s shoulder hit his own as he stalked past him. Now at its Zenith under the leadership of the High Emperor Rhaegar Targaryen, a falling out between him and his second son Aemon will change Westeros forever. Jon Snow is raised by his uncle Benjen to be Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North while Rhaella Targaryen escapes to Essos to raise her children and plot her revenge. R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents; Ned Stark Lives; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Book 1: A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire) Jon Snow is a Targaryen; Jon Snow Knows Something; Political Jon Snow; Jon Snow Finds Out About Own Parentage; Jon Snow is a Mess; Jon Snow Doesn't. BAMF Daemon Blackfyre. Jon Snow is a Targaryen (5) Dragonstone (4) BAMF Jon Snow (4) Warg Jon Snow (4) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Ashlar Snow was a Targaryen bastard born to Jahaerys Targaryen from a Northern maid. Unaware of the identity of his mother,[9] Jon was raised at Winterfell. God's that was a lifetime ago…. A time before he lost his innocence and ignorance of the true ways of the world. This is the story of Ned Stark and Ashara Dayne, their love so strong that neither time nor distance and not even death itself diminishes it. Magic Awakens in the realms of the known world as Daenerys discovers the fire is hers, while the Old Gods have blessed Jon Snow with gifts of his own. ” Jon nodded and followed Wylis's. Ser Lorence Roxton feels unworthy. Net under. "My name is Tom, and I'm. He can stay at Winterfell and have a riding accident that would claim his life. Winter Is Coming by daenerys_stark. Ned Stark has a bastard daughter. The North has a lot more than one bastard. BAMF Jon Snow. Language:BAMF Jon Snow; Summary. Jon Snow is the bastard son of Ned Stark and Ashara Dayne. Jon/Jaehaerys Targaryen Age at story start in 297 AC - 14 Hair color - Black Eye color - Dark gray, at times appear black Picture of Jon (306 AC) About Jon/Jaehaerys: Coming from being a rather silent but happy child that grew up in King‘s Landing for the first nine years of his life, his character soon starts shifting as he becomes an. Unforgivable cold. Notes: For SainTalia. Now at its Zenith under the leadership of the High Emperor Rhaegar Targaryen, a falling out between him and his second son Aemon will change Westeros forever. Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon; BAMF Jon Snow; King Jon Snow; Summary. And from there, the world will never be the same. But then, where will they go from there?Jon Snow, The Bastard Son of Lord Eddard Stark is accused of pushing his half-brother Brandon Stark from a tower in Winterfell and is forced to flee east with his faithful companion Ghost, where they forge their own destiny and set out to show those who wronged him that the North Remembers. Before the tides of. Dark Jon Snow. Unlike Daenys the Dreamer, he was unable to convince his family of the coming calamity. Jon Snow name is Artamir. Before the tides of. Jon Snow, please be welcomed to New Castle and dine with us before your travels. Jon Snow's Name is Aegon; But The Characters All Realize How Dumb That Is So He Stays Jon; They KIND OF FORGOT Rhaegar Already Had A Son Named Aegon; No Beta We Die Like Dany's Enemies; BAMF Daenerys Targaryen; BAMF Jon Snow; BAMF Ashara Dayne; Targaryen Restoration; Double Restoration Even; Other Additional Tags. Seven years later, a war of shadows is waged in the Stepstones. Her ruby lips curved in a wicked smile as they kissed across his flesh. Jon Snow is a Targaryen (39) BAMF Arya Stark (39) Sansa Stark is Queen in the North (37) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (34) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Jon Snow is to be raised until old enough by the Starks and to then Foster in the Vale, how does this change the game of thrones, when a falcon and wolf fall in love. OR Jon Snow goes back in time to prevent the extinction of the dragons. But among them there is one that stand out for his deed are both marked by greatness and infamy alike. Every mother prayed only for their son to grow into a fine man, healthy and wise and good. Collections: JNW1'S favourite ASOIAF/GoT fics, glitters reading list , my. Works and bookmarks tagged with Jon Snow's Harem will show up in Jon Snow Has a Harem's filter. But among them there is one that stand out for his deed are both marked by greatness and infamy alike. When Oberyn Martell adds two and two and gets five, Lyarra Snow finds herself forcefully relocated to Dorne as the newly discovered House Martell bastard. The only conscious thought he has is for his little sister and the bastard who thought to claim what was actually HIS. Now at its Zenith under the leadership of the High Emperor Rhaegar Targaryen, a falling out between him and his second son Aemon will change Westeros forever. Jon once believed that death would have prevented someone from doing him harm, but that was a long time ago. The Avatar. Dark Jon Snow; Jon Snow is a Targaryen; BAMF Jon Snow; Language: English Stats: Published: 2020-09-27 Updated: 2022-09-20 Words: 89,869 Chapters: 15/? Comments: 1,318 Kudos: 1,723 Bookmarks: 597 Hits: 126,535. OR Jon Snow goes back in time to prevent the extinction of the dragons. {video game/time travel}Angst ridden Jon Snow. Danaerys Targaryen is born 2 years before Robert’s Rebellion. A completely different take on most of the story. Net. This is going to be an HP/GOT crossover, having. 6K 16 "You deserve a Lord, not a bastard. They say Arya is just like her dead Aunt Lyanna. Jon Snow is raised by his uncle Benjen to be Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North while Rhaella Targaryen escapes to Essos to raise her children and plot her. He discovers. AO3 link: The Song of the Bastard Wolf and the Dragon Princess. Jk it means badass motherfucker. gameofthrones. BAMF Jon Snow. Eventual Jon Snow/Sansa Stark (36) Angst (11) POV Sansa Stark (11) BAMF Sansa Stark (9) Endgame Jon Snow/Sansa Stark (9) Fluff (8) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (8) POV Jon Snow (6) King Jon Snow (6) BAMF Jon Snow (6) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Winter is back (Jon Snow) by Foxyye. •• I'll be writing imagines about our favorite Jon Snow. BAMF Jon Snow. The free cities quarrel and feud over the newly discovered salt trade. All the while he must keep his darkest secret in the shadows, whilst playing the deadliest game of all. Sort by: Hot. Jon Snow leaves the ashes of King’s Landing, once more bound for the Night’s Watch. BAMF Jon Snow; revenge is a dish best served cold; Language: English Series: ← Previous Work Part 2 of The Chronicles of Ice and Fire. boatbaby. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers;Endgame Jon Snow/Sansa Stark; BAMF Jon Snow; Warg Jon Snow; BAMF Sansa Stark; Friends to Lovers; Summary. Dark Jon Snow. Every time a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land. BAMF Jon Snow; Dark Jon Snow; The North is Powerful (A Song of Ice and Fire) Jon Snow is Not a Targaryen; Jon Snow's name is different in this fic as well as his personality; Sansa Stark Bashing; Summary. Two lives are taken and two not, changing the game forever. BAMF Arya Stark (6) Female Jon Snow (5) Time Travel Fix-It (5) The Old Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire) (5) Canon-Typical Violence (4) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (4) Jon Snow Knows Something (4) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. BAMF Jon Snow; BAMF Daenerys Targaryen; BAMF Ned Stark; BAMF Sansa Stark; BAMF Arya Stark; Warg Bran Stark; Wargs & Warging (A Song of Ice and Fire). Jon Snow/Rhaena Targaryen Rating and Archive Warnings: Mature, Violence Summary: The first battle of The Dance of Dragons goes differently after a stranger and his dragon intervene. The first battle of The Dance of Dragons goes differently after a stranger and his dragon intervene. Until an old friend of his father agrees to take Jon as a squire for his son. IN WHICH years after their deaths, by some miracle or curse, Lord Eddard, Lady Catelyn and King Robb wake up to a new world. Brandon Stark has twin bastard sons. BAMF Jon Snow (320) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (160) R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents (111) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (86) Jon Snow Knows Something (84) BAMF Daenerys Targaryen (70) Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon (64) Dark Jon Snow (60)An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative WorksR Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents; Jon Snow is a Targaryen; BAMF Jon Snow; BAMF Robb Stark; BAMF Jedi (Star Wars) BAMF Sansa Stark; The Light Side of the Force (Star Wars) The Dark Side of the Force (Star Wars) Force Visions (Star Wars) Rare Pairings; Pairings undecided; Crossover Pairings;. (See the end of the work for notes. Collections: JNW1'S favourite ASOIAF/GoT fics, glitters reading list , my. Jon is a bad ass. In the depths of the icy North, where none but the bravest dared to venture, something is waking. Language:BAMF!Jon Snow. BAMF Jon Snow; BAMF Daenerys Targaryen; Dragons; Summary. Jon Snow, king of the few men and women left in Westeros, knows that. BAMF Jon Snow; BAMF Lyanna Stark; Lyanna And Rhaegar Love Each Other And That's Cool; But Actions Do Have Consequences; Pro-Stark; Pro-Targaryen; Martells Are Villains But They Have Reason To Be; Rhaella Targaryen Lives; BAMF Rhaella Targaryen; No Jonerys; Young Griff is a Blackfyre; R Plus L Equals D & J | Lyanna Stark & Rhaegar. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative WorksJon shifted in his worn saddle as his palfrey cantered under the cover of snow patched pine trees. Jon Snow has lived a long and fulfilling life - for a bastard son of an otherwise honorable Warden of the North. A thousand yards, eight hundred, five hundred, one. Despite the cold air of Northern night, Jon didn't have the strength to get up and find comfort in his warm room. Political Jon Snow. # 1. There will be smut because who doesn't love Jon smut! I hope you enjoy :) winterfell; jonsnowxreader; gameofthrones +7 more # 16. " Robb snarked back playfully. BAMF Jon Snow; Summary. OP Jon Snow; BAMF Jon Snow; BAMF Robb Stark; Angst and Fluff and Smut; Jon Snow fucking destroys at double wield; Assasin's Creed elements; Jon and Robb will be ruthless; Jon Snow is kind of a rogue; Jon will beat some sense into Robb; Jon DOM; Kinky Shit; Robb Stark is King in the North; Robb Stark is a Gift; Dark Jon. How many of you thought that Jon Snow's strategy during the Battle Of Winterfell and Long Night is utter stupidity, I mean look at it, Catapult and Trebuchets in front of the army, a massive cavalry charge in the darkness. Sansa goes North, to Jon, for he will keep her safe, he will protect her. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers;BAMF Arya Stark; BAMF Jon Snow; Dark Jon Snow; Protective Daenerys Targaryen; Bran and Arya are Twins; Bran Stark Has Emotions; Bran is a Squire; King Jon Snow; Robb Stark is King in the North; Canon Divergence - War of The Five Kings; Summary. Robb Stark is the trueborn son and heir of Ned Stark and Catelyn Tully. Jon has a dragon; R Plus L Equals J; Family Issues; BAMF Jon Snow; Elia Martell Lives; Language: English Collections: Jon Snow is a Special Snowflake, JNW1'S favourite ASOIAF/GoT fics, Reread these Promising Works when Complete 📖, Blue_Axolote's Favorite Collection Stats: Published: 2020-01-01 Updated: 2023-07-04 Words: 368,759 Chapters:. Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon; BAMF Jon Snow; King Jon Snow; POV Jon Snow; Jon Snow is King in the North; Warg Jon Snow; POV Sansa Stark; BAMF Sansa Stark; Sansa Stark Deserves Better; Jon Snow and Sansa Stark are Cousins; Jon Snow and Sansa Stark Reunion; Winterfell (A Song of Ice and Fire) Post-War for the Dawn;. Jon is also a bad ass. BAMF Jon Snow; Summary. Jon has a dragon; R Plus L Equals J; Family Issues; BAMF Jon Snow; Elia Martell Lives; Language: English Collections: Jon Snow is a Special Snowflake, JNW1'S favourite ASOIAF/GoT fics, Reread these Promising Works when Complete 📖, Blue_Axolote's Favorite Collection Stats: Published: 2020-01-01 Updated: 2023-07-04 Words: 368,759 Chapters:. BAMF Jon Snow; BAMF Aegon; Alive Starks; R Plus L Equals J; Mix of books the tv show and my own imagination; I changed some characters' appearances; On Hiatus; Summary. BAMF Jon Snow; Summary. Decades have passed since the day the wall fell and the Others returned to Westeros from the cold north, since that day, a long war began between the living and the dead, a war that, after decades of endless fighting, has decanted victory for the dead. Warg Jon Snow; R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents; Dark Jon Snow; eventually; BAMF Jon Snow; Language:. jon-snow. Arya is in Braavos, learning to be an assassin at the House of. Harry Potter, the older brother to two idiots and resident Ravenclaw of the family, deals with his problems by drinking tea. She could not help tearing up just a little bit, watching him at his harp, long graceful fingers plucking each note, entire audience enraptured. Jon Snow is a Badass. All works; Complete works only; Works in progress only; Word Count From To Date Updated From To Search within. Benjen Stark even has a bastard son as well. To give him an opportunity he never could've had in Winterfell. BAMF Jon Snow; Political Jon Snow; Past Jon Snow/Ygritte; Language: English Stats: Published: 2020-01-24 Updated: 2023-06-29. After Jon Snow saves the life of Stannis Baratheon's daughter, Shireen, the Lord of Dragonstone insists that he train on the island to become a knight. OR Jon Snow goes back in time to prevent the extinction of the dragons. His oath-breaking siblings and their treasonous Lannister collaborator thought him a broken spirit, a man resigned to fate’s horizon, world-weary and defeated. ' "And Daeron is my King, princess Lyanna. A flying boat had crashed right in front of them, forever changing the history of Westeros. The only conscious thought he has is for his little sister and the bastard who thought to claim what was actually HIS. Mayhaps I’ll take your crow brother’s direwolf for mine own,” Varamyr spat out at him. The First of his name. Born only a week apart, the two brothers have been together ever since they were placed next to each other in the crib. Jon Snow is a Targaryen (39) BAMF Arya Stark (39) Sansa Stark is Queen in the North (37) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (34) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Jon Snow is the bastard son of Ned Stark and Ashara Dayne. Jon Snow's Name is Visenya; BAMF Jon Snow; Dark Jon Snow; Incest; Cousin Incest; Jon Snow Knows Nothing; Jon Snow is Not a Bastard; Summary. (OC Wildling/Free Folk Self-Insert). A time before he lost his innocence and ignorance of the true ways of the world. R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents; Dark Jon Snow; eventually; BAMF Jon Snow; Language: English Collections: Foreknowledge, my heart is here Stats: Published: 2021-07-31 Updated: 2023-06-09 Words: 75,090 Chapters: 7/23 Comments: 1,523 Kudos: 3,015 Bookmarks: 1,266 Hits:BAMF Jon Snow; Jon Snow Has a Twin Sister; Jon Snow is a Targaryen; Jon Snow Has a Big Penis; Dark Jon Snow; Jon Snow Has Dragons. Twins. eventually. Bastard, Blackfyre, Dark Prince, Jon Snow has been called them all at one point. Jon Arryn realizes the truth Ned Stark's bastard, disgusted with the events during and after the rebellion, he makes a backup plan in case his fears for the realm prove true. At the end of Robert's Rebellion, Rhaegar comes out victorious. BAMF Jon Snow. He can stay at Winterfell and have a riding accident that would claim his life. The Night King smirks at Jon, and suddenly kicks Rhaenys in the leg and stabs her with his ice spear in the stomach. Rape/Non-Con. King Jon Snow. Warg Jon Snow. It has BAMF Jon and no Jon/Daenerys. Chapter 1: Arrival at the Wall Chapter Text. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers; Completion Status. BAMF Jon Snow; BAMF Daemon Blackfyre; Political Jon Snow; I'm Bad At Tagging; Summary. And in. He will get over it. Set during. Jon accepts the offer, and is confused when he finds that the island of Dragonstone feels connected to him somehow. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers; Completion Status. EVENTUALLY BAMF JON SNOW. R Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents; Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon; BAMF Jon Snow; BAMF Daenerys Targaryen; White Walkers (A Song of Ice and Fire) Jon Snow Deserves Better; Daenerys Targaryen Deserves Better; Incest; Drama & Romance; Language: English Stats: Published: 2022. Stark banner…. 超NB的琼恩·雪诺. Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon; BAMF Jon Snow; King Jon Snow; Summary. BAMF Jon Snow; Language: English Collections: Foreknowledge, my heart is here Stats: Published: 2021-07-31 Updated: 2023-06-09 Words: 75,090 Chapters: 7/23 Comments: 1,523. Dance of Ice and Fire schrutfarms. Female Jon Snow (5) Time Travel Fix-It (5) BAMF Arya Stark (5) The Old Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire) (5) Canon-Typical Violence (4) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (4) Jon Snow Knows Something (4) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. In his time he has seen a lot of amazing, and terrifying, things. After being away for years and assumed dead by the world, Jon Stark has returned to King’s Landing with only one goal. Jon wakes up on the Wall after being revived by the Red Woman. Warg Jon Snow. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers;An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative WorksR Plus L Equals J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow's Parents; Azor Ahai Prophecy | The Prince That Was Promised; The Old Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire) Valyrian Culture & Customs (A Song of Ice and Fire) Valyrian Magic (A Song of Ice and Fire) Jon Snow's Name is Visenya; BAMF Jon Snow; Wargs & Warging (A Song of Ice and. OP Jon Snow; BAMF Jon Snow; BAMF Robb Stark; Angst and Fluff and Smut; Jon Snow fucking destroys at double wield; Assasin's Creed elements; Jon and Robb will be ruthless; Jon Snow is kind of a rogue; Jon will beat some sense into Robb; Jon DOM; Kinky Shit; Robb Stark is King in the North; Robb Stark is a Gift; Dark Jon. Jon and Robb laughed off the insult and took their sparing position. After Jon Snow saves the life of Stannis Baratheon's daughter, Shireen, the Lord of Dragonstone insists that he train on the island to become. Ygritte followed him which always irked Styr, but everything Styr had tried to dismiss her, Ygritte would respond that she was a free woman who goes where she. BAMF Arya Stark (6) Female Jon Snow (5) Time Travel Fix-It (5) The Old Gods (A Song of Ice and Fire) (5) Canon-Typical Violence (4) Jon Snow is a Targaryen (4) Jon Snow Knows Something (4) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Jon Snow was born a prince of the empire, as the first Dragonknight in over a hundred years he was born to wage war and strike down the empire's enemies. BAMF Maegor Targaryen.